Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Calm Before the Storm... Or Are My Characters Just Sleeping? Starting a New Novel...

All is quiet.

I woke up to the sound of nothing. Not even a hint of anticipation. It's as though the cloud of heightened energy that collects around me - in my mind - right before starting a new project just vanished, without a trace.

No new plot ideas. No characters babbling. Nothing. Just silence.

I wonder if they're just sleeping.

NaNoWriMo starts in just a few days - National Novel Writing Month. I have participated in the past just for fun, always in the middle of a work in progress to actually use the time for what it's intended for: to start a novel and write, during the month of November, 50K words. No editing. No looking back. Just write.

This year I'm ready to hit the 50K summit. I've got the plot set up in my mind (and in my notes). And I've got momentum plenty as this novel is the sequel to the novel I just finished editing, Waiting for Paint to Dry.

The characters are revved up and excited to finish what they've started.

I just hope they wake up in time.

T-5 days to go. 30 days to write 50K words. Oh, and throw in a holiday or two during that time, and it's not as much time as you think. I've spent the past NaNoWriMo's lamenting over the timing of National Novel Writing Month - WHY NOVEMBER?!??! - but this year I'm determined to put aside my whining and just write. 

Who knows? Maybe I'll write 50,000 words and actually win. Maybe I'll write only 30,000 words. Maybe I'll find I don't like where my plot is going and just write a bunch of crap to be scrapped come December 1st. Who knows...

But the point of writing is to just write. Can't be a writer unless you write! So, write I will.

Just wondering where my characters have run off to without me. Don't hear them in my head today....

Fine. Go ahead. Sleep. Get your rest. Enjoy. I'll be working your tired asses off all next month, so you'll need the energy. Get it now while you can...


Writers don't just talk to their characters or hear voices, they even write blog posts of threats to them.
