Wednesday, November 20, 2013

And the winner is... Blog Award Night at the Mobbies!

Last night I had the opportunity to mingle - MINGLE! - with some local Baltimore bloggers at the Baltimore Sun's 5th Annual Mobbie Award ceremony. I get excited about mingling as I've been quite the shut in this year...

Mobbies. That's pronounced in the MOB with a y. (Yes. Yours truly was corrected a few times last night ;)

The Mobbies awards go out to Maryland's Outstanding Blogs. It was a pretty big crowd last night, considering most writers prefer the queit solitude of, well, a hermit's corner. And there were some bloggers who blog anonymously that didn't come to receive their award. But on the whole, I realized bloggers are a pretty chatty group.

I found some new blogs to follow, namely a local food blog Let's Give Peas a Chance who won two awards last night. The most creative blog title IMO was a Baltimore dating Charmed & Dangerous, who's anonymous blog writer was definitely charming yet sweet ;)

Last night I went to the award party with fashion blogger Dana Renee Style who found too many Cleavland ex-pats in the crowd - kidding, but seriously, she's like a magnet. She came in 7th place in her category! Congratulations :)

It was my first time at the Mobbies - I didn't even know something like that exsisted! So I am definitely going to keep my eye out for next year's event. Maybe even see if I can get my B&B blog nominated...
